Surprisingly bad, i mean, i enjoyed some of it, but not only plays very janky and the level design is garbage, but the history, being written by miura and all, is a masive mediocrity, is more or less a combination of the lost children arc and some plot points from angels of desire from black swordsman, but with massive exposition dumps and very poor substance in actual history content, only great part when guts got in the town with the mandragora people, beacause it remembered me of the themes of escapism in lost children with the priest that said those people were happy being monsters.

Also, its me or the zodd fight feels like a prototypical dark souls fight? I mean, the fact that he can crush your ass very easily, you have items that regenerate most of your health and you need to carefully attack him in his openings to win... Really cool stuff is this design was intentional.

But yes, the game is bad, expected a decent repetitive hack n' slash like the ps2 game, but no matter how low your expectations for this game are, it really sucks.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Good review, but I felt that Zodd fight was nothing more than the developers shoehorning him in the game because they needed to sell it to someone.