Review taken from Steam, posted Feburary 2015. New information since then: the DLC I believed was imminent didn't come out, but an update did make Mila's version of the final boss significantly easier, meaning I beat it.

I keep trying to write serious reviews for this game because I adore it, but this is a game where you get to play as a tomboy Bobcat who rides a motorcycle, a dragon who can just shoot herself through everything in her path with what I presume are magic dragon powers, and a rabbit/dog girl who can fire giant lasers from her hands, and it's hard to write anything serious about something which is so wonderfully ridiculous. It's everything I want from a Sonic game without Sonic, and fixes a bunch of problems I never even realised I had with those games, such as the removal of pace-killing enemies, or a lack of motorcycle-riding tomboy bobcats. Also about a third through the story the characters just stop and watch a movie together and I find that hilarious. It does feel a tiny bit unfinished however, with one character's story cutscenes not yet implemented, and chests full of orbs left in levels which are presumably something to do with the two other characters I've heard will be playable in the future, as they aren't really of any use to any of the current playable characters as far as I can tell. Also bosses are ludicrously hard compared to the rest of the game, especially for Milla who I just couldn't beat the final boss with even on the lowest difficulties due to her lower health, despite spending several hours trying. But honestly that didn't ruin the overall experience for me, and the game is well worth your time and money.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2022
