This game is very underwhelming after playing through Dread. The enemy variety for such a combat-focused game is abysmal, the areas are way too damn big, Gamma Metroids suck major ass, and the entire tone of the ending of the game is ruined by making the baby Metroid required for certain items AND adding a new boss fight at the end which makes no sense, given what happens in Super Metroid. The controls for switching beams/ammo were also kind weird, especially if you play it on an emulator (which I totally, definitely didn't, by the way.)

However, this game isn't all bad. I think having the map on the bottom screen was REALLY helpful with exploring, Aeion abilities are cool, the chase scene with the Diggernaut is great, and the non-Gamma Metroids are actually pretty fun to fight.

I'm on the fence about recommending this one. It was very disappointing for me, but overall I feel like it's not a BAD game. It's just... not my thing. Just play Dread.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2022
