This is probably my favorite classic-style Castlevania so far. I haven't played through Dracula X or Rondo of Blood yet at the time of writing this review, so we'll see if my opinion changes after those. This game featured locations that all felt unique and interesting in their own ways. I really liked the 6th and final level the most as it used screen effects, in the earlier parts, to try to disorient the player. That haven't been utilized by a Castlevania game before (most likely due to techincal limitations, but even so) and I found it an interesting way to spice up the gameplay.

There were a lot of unique and fun enemy types throughout the game (except the harpies with spears, they can go straight to hell). All the bosses were really interesting as well, and we even have a boss rush section in the end where you face the earlier bosses, as well as the three final bosses. I thought that was a really good executed boss rush as none of the bosses felt particularly brutal after a trying for a couple attempts. And I don't really have to mention this because it's always the case, but the music was amazing as well.

Overall, a great Castlevania that I 100% recommend to anyone who's a fan of Castlevanias, or to anyone who likes adventure platformers for that matter.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
