Much like I consider Madden 09 the apex of the PS2 Madden games, I think NCAA 09 is the best of the PS2 NCAA Football games.

The consensus answer has always been 06, but I find most of the gameplay and quality of life improvements of 09 to be worthwhile, and am especially partial to the inclusion of Supersim, first added in 09.

I'm not sure what year this version of Campus Legend was introduced, but it's one of the best career modes in a sports game. Whereas 06's Race for the Heisman mode was fun in its simplicity, 09's Campus Legend mode adds depth that makes it even better. The game also has a great trophy room, a feature that should be essential to all sports games but has been forgotten over the years.

NCAA 09 is a great reminder of how good college sports games could be.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
