221 Reviews liked by EliezerRP

Don't worry guys he's totally gonna finish the game guys trust me I heard from Ao Oni himself it's totally gonna be finished this year.

how the fuck is this april fools joke better than anything this franchise has produced this decade

I won a national tournament in this game lmao

this game is a 10/10. definitely a must have in everyone’s collections.

this games so bad i only needed one race to tell me that

this game is honestly a must play

Celeste, Undertale, Minecraft, Drakengard, ICO, Half Life 2, Persona 3, DDR, YIIK, Terraria, GMOD, Roblox, Paper mario sticker star. To some, people make look at this and not understand what theses games have in common. However, theses game share a common trait among them. Destination. In all of theses games, they all send out a diffuclt task for the player to conquest it all... you have to go trough a puzzle or sit trough quirky dialog.. you have to not CRINGE at the cringy pandering 8 bit music of undertale that toby fox delbiratly composed just to discoruge the player from playing, however PRESISTENCE in ever gamer prevails looping back to undertales main message. Drakengard shows the madness of what happens to a man when he enters the man to scalie pipeline and how we should avoid it at all costs (clip of ending R which shows Angelus in a anthro dragon form dating caim) .. Nier's story of how no matter how sexy women are, they are all soulless robots simply made for atraction. and no more heroes shows how women should make it easier for men to just sex them.. HOWEVER, theses games share a common thing, once youre done with them, (clip of me turning off the NES) you dont look back. now, why is that? its because we as humans, all have low attetion spans. we cant' live in the same world over and over again so me got to go to another castle and exprience something new. all video games are a gateway to a beatiful expreince that u will forget once you have a girlfriend, which is why most gamers are virgins.. however the only ones that arent are the elites who have mastered their dopamine and enduraence to hen achgieve NIREVANA to then realize that. life is a video that oy live in forever.. Their sercretes arent told to normies.. however, CrazyBus has shown me the secrets I as a gamer should know..

At first glace, the looks of this game are horrifying for any person whos too used to 8k redit tier games. however, theres a deeper meanign that you dont realize. the game is coded to actually show a hyper realistic bus, but the power of the sega genesis limits it to show something of a "low quality" to peasents normie. at first, i didnt realize it, then when i did, it made me hate any other game that I used to like. my dopamine switched from sigma to triss. the game's music is also a symbol for how perfection is actually incomprehensible for any humans, and that we should just give up on trying anyways, it made me shed tears of joy.
when the game starts, and i pressed right, the whole gameplay now is clear to me. limitation breeds creativity,and this game is extremlty limited, from the hardware it was used on to the controls,, it now became clear that this game had everything a video game needed, music, plot, gameplay, it was a masterclass on its own. the venelunian buses made me think about the horros of capitalism and howw it ruined everything but at the same time, made us stronger. there fore it is good. the game sends you to a trance like state,, ithen it was like how yumi nikki tried to communicate this trance like state to the player, and how important it is to have this state to reach trivsisa, land of the interweb. thats why yumi nikki dies at the end of the game.. PAthologic tried to copy CRAZY BUS's idea, however since its a game made by normies that didnt comprehend crazy bus, it was a massive failure that only got the attiton it had because some bald soyboy cuck said it was "genius" even though it has too many opptions to be "genius" (hunger bars, guns, combat. too complex and too many options) this game is proof of that you dont need anything to make a game "good" all you need is no goal in sight, and you can love a game forever (clip of guts saying shit like dont give up)

16 different dinosaurs and it still manages to have more content than your average modern mario sports game


TF2 has been unplayable for the last few years because of the sheer amount of cheater bots in official servers. And that's why people decided to pull the FixTF2 movement, along with commencing review-bombing to get Valve's attention.

For any old players who’ve already left a review, I recommend changing it to Not Recommended and state your reason why. In its current state, I cannot recommend this game to new players because the bots make Casual borderline unplayable. Community servers are very unintuitive for newer players.

TF2, resmi sunuculardaki aşırı sayıda hileci bot nedeniyle son birkaç yıldır oynanamaz hale geldi. Bu yüzden insanlar, Valve'ın dikkatini çekmek için FixTF2 hareketini başlattı ve inceleme bombardımanına giriştiler.

Daha önce bir inceleme yazmış olan eski oyunculara, incelemelerini "Önerilmiyor" olarak değiştirmelerini ve nedenini açıklamalarını tavsiye ediyorum. Şu anki durumda, botlar yüzünden bu oyunu yeni oyunculara tavsiye edemem. Topluluk sunucuları da yeni oyuncular için pek kullanıcı dostu değil.