So, I'm not gonna lie with this one.

I was a little disappointed. But not because this game is bad, but because it's too good in some ways and sadly lacking in others. I find the story to be an improvement from the first game, but the gameplay is slightly weaker. I just expected this game to be leaps and bounds better than the first game, when it's only a slight improvement.

Also I gave some leniency from the first game with the boss battles as there was a good amount of variety in them, and the scale was no doubt fantastic. While that scale remains in this game(especially in the Sandman fight), there is little variety in the boss battles. Wouldn't it have been a lot cooler if Kraven's boss battle was a stealth section instead of a combat section for instance? There's just a lack of experimentation here.

But I'm not gonna act like this is a bad game, it's very good and I legit can't wait for the 3rd game. I'd say this game is slightly better than the 1st one, but not by much.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
