I tend to be someone who goes against the grain but this is the exception, Borderlands 2 is by far the best Borderlands game ever made! The story is easy to get invested in and Handsome Jack is a fun and enjoyable villain to torment you through the game. The gameplay is tight with tons of variety due to the immense amounts of loot to pick up and play with. Variety is one thing that every borderlands game has going for it but even over a decade later, Borderlands 2 still has more than enough to make each playthrough different. The music is amazing and fun to get an earful of especially running around and blasting enemies all over the map. Borderlands 2 is a must play for anyone looking for an FPS with some personality, maybe someday there will be a Borderlands game to top this one but in the meantime this is the best it gets

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024
