When you think of great, underrated experiences on PS4/PS3 most typically would not think of Bound By Flame, however that does not mean it doesn’t deserve your time. Bound By Flame, while short in duration can pack a decent bit of content, albeit a little repetitive, in its small form factor. I’ve often compared the story to that of the white walkers in Game of Thrones and I’ve seen a handful of people do the same. Each of the areas traversed in the game look pretty good considering the budget constraints and AA nature of the game. Gameplay while repetitive feels good and does not overstay its welcome by the time the credits run. One thing that you cannot knock is the music, it is absolutely phenomenal, even just booting the game up to the title screen can leave you sitting there for minutes at a time listening to its epic and sweeping menu music while switching to more somber tracks in game really set the mood for what’s to come and what’s the now. Bound By Flame is the definition of a diamond in the rough, if you’re willing to look past its less than stellar graphics and monotonous gameplay then you have a well thought out story with an excellent ost to boot

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024
