I shed a tear at the ending, but not because of main story (fanservice did the job for me). Overall it's a very satisfying conclusion to the thrilogy. On another hand, - for me - that's the weakest game in the series. But still good, of course. For example, take a graphic design of the locations, for which the series was famous, is rarely impressive here. But it's interesting to explore them, trying to find out where things are from the previous installments. The music is super nice, but there are fewer memorable and prominent motifs than usual. Too much of dull music... And most importantly, the story: Takahashi has plucked a bunch of elements from past games, and even from the days of Xenogears. Therefore I predicted 99% of the plot in the first chapter. The combat and class system is the best in the series, not counting X.

In the end, slightly disappointed, but I don't regret a single minute spent. It's still a very soulful and beautiful game, of which there are fewer and fewer, in my opinion.

I hope the next Xenoblade will be completely new. I would like a return to space, but the chances of that are extremely slim.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2022
