I got this game back when it came out, thinking it was a fighting game.
I would've kept playing if not for a game breaking bug that requires me to make a new profile everytime. Can't emulate it either, it doesn't boot up.

Besides those technical difficulties, the game is a slow isometric racer with some genuinely cool combat. The problem is that only the combat is fun, nothing else. You can grapple onto people for speed then turn 90 degrees sideways to machine gun them, your own death can lead into chain reactions, each character has a special move, etc. It reminds me of Fatal Inertia.
Like Fatal Inertia, the driving is floaty and slow, leading you into lots of crashes. Crash and you bounce off of scenery, that happens and you'll have to get back on your feet at a snails pace. At that point you've already lost the race and lost a bunch of your health.

The chaotic online is where the game shines, mostly because no one has any idea what's going on and blow up into a fireball in the middle of the road, causing crash after crash.

There is a story but besides the antidote and clans, I didn't listen to anything else. It's generic anime slop with cringy moments. I'll replay it someday.

Buy it for the tits

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
