This is not a bad game despite its reputation. Is it a bad Doom? Well kinda. It's more like a spinoff of Doom and I think the reception would be better if it wasn't labeled as the next entry in the mainline Doom series. There are many things to like here. The graphics are impressive even to this day. The more serious horror atmosphere is a nice change from the campier usual Doom even though I wouldn't call it scary. The environments although pretty similar throughout the game are very detailed and create a claustrophobic effect.
The weapons are mostly miss than hit. The shotgun is straight up bad and the machine gun sounds like the nail gun from Quake. The chainsaw is fun, but way too op.
The biggest problem I have with the game is that 40% of the enemy encounters are behind your back. This should be called Ambush The Game. I guess they wanted to make it as survival horror as possible, but it's just annoying.
Normally I would rate it with 4 stars, a great rating for me, but I will remove half a star cause the game has a freaking game breaking bug in the Delta Labs area!!! The worst of all is that apparently it's a known bug for years yet Bethesda or ID never cared to patch it. Come the f on!!! There's no mission select so unless you have an early save file (I didn't) your only option is to restart the whole game. Yeah... I'm not doing that.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
