The plot is stupid
The locations are beautiful
The guns are interesting
The ending is bad

That feeling when you are so good that you even light candles in church catacombs, but the ending is still bad.
10 of 10

A perfect example of a good casual game. Favorite childhood game.

A very interesting story. You can find a certain atmosphere in it. I won’t talk about the artistic component - everyone already knows the high level of Orika’s skill

The release of the original Mount & Blade was a good sign for us. Since a previously unknown Turkish studio was able to create a game of a wild genre, combining a primitive land slasher and a magnificent “horse” action with ancient graphics and cheap production, forcing us to shamelessly admire and admire it, this means that not everything in the industry can be confident yet solved with the help of the publisher's endless budget. It is also important to take into account such a seemingly unassuming factor as a purely personal feeling for the successful fate of your creation, which can only come from the heart. After this, the amount of funds allocated for development does not matter much.

A great story, an exciting adventure that doesn’t let you go for a moment... I would have said that if I hadn’t played the mastermind of this game - Uncharted... and the game hadn’t had its own problems.What were Lara's adventures about before? About the secrets of ancient civilizations, about mystical places and their equally colorful inhabitants, about conspiracies to gain power over ancient artifacts.
What do we have now? A lonely gray (literally) Japanese island, without a couple of characteristic temples, I would never have said that we are in Japan, the cult of an ancient witch, an army of terracotta undead samurai (who climb under bullets like kamikazes), bow, pistol, machine gun and Lara lying in the mud in the middle of all this disgrace. The open world turned out to be as boring as possible, not predisposing to exploration. All the action scenes, although dynamic, are far from new, especially remembering Uncharted. The plot is weak and full of coincidences. The characters are quite flat, which is why even at the moment when they try to knock a pitiful tear out of us, it turns out badly.

It all started back in 1999, in winter, in January. Programmer Min Le, as part of the development team, was involved in the creation of the game Quake 2. However, Min Le did not see any prospects for this game and left this project. He had his own vision of a game of this kind, he wanted to create a game in which the team spirit of the players would be clearly expressed. The choice of game engine was initially settled on a creation from iD Software, but negotiations on its use failed. As a result, it was possible to reach an agreement with the owners of Half Life; Minh Le took the platform of this game as a basis. After some time, a now well-known game was announced - Counter-Strike. Its name has remained unchanged to this day.

- Good graphics even for today;
- Atmospheric original soundtrack;
- Interesting game modes;

- A simple plot (although it might not have existed at all);
- Difficult car control. If you don’t know how to take corners correctly, then skidding can get boring over time and often slow down the car;
- The game is locked at 30 FPS, which is unacceptable for such a dynamic game.

An excellent looter shooter with a killer and humorous plot.
Well-developed, interesting - open world
Good plot, a large number of additional missions, DLC will keep you busy for dozens of hours
Also original graphic style, unforgettable characters and much more.
I highly recommend playing it with friends, you will simply experience more emotions and love the game even more.

This game has one problem - it's glitchy. Sometimes it is impossible to make a move allowed by the rules, or the enemy king can castle through a square that is hit by my piece. Such bugs put an end to all the possibilities of this game: convenient online play, varied environments and figure designs, etc.

A short novel with a funny plot, cute characters and intimate scenes. We play as a humanoid cat who is jealous of her owner towards strangers. As we progress, we are given the opportunity to start a relationship with a girl or guy, and we can also finish the game without intimate scenes. There are dialogue choices that affect the ending of the game.

It’s an interesting game, it’s clear that the developers put a lot of effort into developing the lore, the picture is beautiful, the music is pleasant. In general, I recommend it.

The art in the game is beautiful, but somehow everything is very boring.... The plot of the game is simple, but it was drawn out so much that you want to sleep! The game has Chinese voice acting, and you can get used to it. It’s difficult to solve all the endings yourself, but it’s good that there is a guide. I didn’t find any “sexual content” in the game, and I doubt that the tag in the game is appropriate.

The whole story can be completed in a little less than 3 hours. nice art. lack of choice

“The bastard crept up unnoticed,” and what’s remarkable is that after a couple of hours of playing, already closer to night, hiding in the shadows, I sneaked to the refrigerator....