CS:S - Not a bad, atmospheric game, essentially the same CS 1.6, only on the Source engine. I like it, like all parts of CS. There is good and bad in it, like in all games.
The picture is pleasant, it doesn’t hurt the eye, it will work on the most antediluvian PCs, unlike CS:GO, the community mainly consists of men of 20-30 years old, sometimes there are also children, most of them are adequate (at least on the servers on which I played I). The weapons are not fundamentally different from CS 1.6, but the physics of shooting and throwing grenades, it seems to me, is better. There are almost no cheaters (I haven’t come across any). Of the minuses, it is worth noting that the servers have additional. content that slightly spoils the ambiance of the original CS, but this concerns more the server creators than the game.

Even better than Battlefied 3. Cool graphics, very diverse weapons, excellent destructibility.

Well what can I say? A simulator of beating the crap out of everything screaming, running, shooting, exploding and trying to kill you!

In my opinion, one of the best parts of Call of Duty. Excellent plot and dynamics, high-quality graphics for that time. It’s a shame that part 2 never saw the light of day, but maybe there’s more to come.

Counter Strike: A normal game. Normal missions, normal bots. No toxic kids that slept with my mother.

Counter Strike: A normal game. Normal missions, normal bots. No toxic kids that slept with my mother.

Let's make a reservation right away - the relaunch of the long-awaited hit was not very successful. Yes, there are a lot of naked girls and other obscenity here; Yes, here Duke expresses himself in such a way that his ears wither - swearing is appropriate and not quite; initially there was a limit of two guns (later increased to 4); the graphics here are far from those of 2011

Pros: good implementation of the sniper’s work; balance between realism and entertainment, ballistics.
Cons: Small and linear levels, inability to select a rifle before the mission

A meaningless set of uninteresting, long and unimpressive maps, endless shooting at enemies, and so endless that it all gets boring even at the first level. And so 6 long levels, which, God willing, can be completed in 40 minutes. And all this was sealed by a group of schoolchildren with a wretched plot about how some bandit went to the Underworld to get a sword. No original locations, no new weapons, no new enemies, all this was taken from the first game and inserted here without any changes.

The game is not bad, in every sense of the word. From the soundtrack to the graphics.
However, as in many roguelikes, randomness decides here - it can lead to an imba gun in a store or to an art with endless ammo.
Although skill is also important here - after all, in the end, even if you are a local Armstrong, there is always a chance that you will be killed by a wasp...

A typical time killer, like entertain yourself, if only they had attached a simple storyline, but no...

One of the best bagels released in the last year.
More heals, fewer shops, more variety in locations and guns, and this game will take its place next to Gunn and Isaac.

Good game. A beautiful world, an interesting plot, moderately complex riddles. The only downsides are a cartoonish villain and, in the end, a tedious search for documents. 10 adorable Laras out of 10.

A great story, an exciting adventure that doesn’t let you go for a moment... I would have said that if I hadn’t played the mastermind of this game - Uncharted... and the game hadn’t had its own problems.What were Lara's adventures about before? About the secrets of ancient civilizations, about mystical places and their equally colorful inhabitants, about conspiracies to gain power over ancient artifacts.
What do we have now? A lonely gray (literally) Japanese island, without a couple of characteristic temples, I would never have said that we are in Japan, the cult of an ancient witch, an army of terracotta undead samurai (who climb under bullets like kamikazes), bow, pistol, machine gun and Lara lying in the mud in the middle of all this disgrace. The open world turned out to be as boring as possible, not predisposing to exploration. All the action scenes, although dynamic, are far from new, especially remembering Uncharted. The plot is weak and full of coincidences. The characters are quite flat, which is why even at the moment when they try to knock a pitiful tear out of us, it turns out badly.

ery nice and pleasant farm.
I've wanted to play it for a long time. But after playing, I’m wildly surprised.
This game completely lacks any motivation for development. Neither the story nor the gameplay stimulates the player.
Then why play it? This is not a creative sandbox, ala Minecraft. It’s not even possible to install pens everywhere here.