I knew i'd be getting my hands on this game one way or another inFAMOUS 1 and 2 were always the games we have wanted to play with my cousin back in the day but couldn't been able to. I've used this game most of the time as a joker card, got bored of grinding in rpgs? don't feel like playing anything else? I could at least boot up inFamous and have a blast for the next 2 hours or so. Yes the game and missions feel most of the time repetitive but the dynamic structure of the game keeps you immersed in it. Story is cool, however this game has an incredible amount of potential that it never uses it to it's fullest with it's karmic decisions system, with such feature things have had so much more potential if it's been used more properly and more emphasis put on the whole good and evil issue with the plotline sprinkling from there. Lastly this game has an intense dark atmosphere that I did not ever see in another game that captivates you in it, that xmb theme still gives me the chills, everytime before I boot up the game I made sure to listen it...

Finished with good karma

Reviewed on May 20, 2022
