The orginal Doom is a very interesting game. It basically made the template for thousands of fps'. The difference being is that in most modern first person shooters, the game stays the same where you just shoot someone, go behind cover, and repeat until the game is over. The thing that makes Doom so unique is that if you try to hide behind cover for more than half a second you're going to get fucked immediately.

The gameplay of Doom is the kind that constantly encourages you to be on the move, you always have to be focusing on the horde of enemies that's right in front of you while also constantly looking at your ui to make sure you have enough health, armor, and ammo for the enemies you have to deal with.

Most the enemies in this game are pretty easy to deal with except when there are lots of them, being stuck in a room even with only one enemy can be because of the damage they can do sometimes. The bosses in this game are super easy to deal with when you fight them one on one, but they become huge obstacles when they start becoming enemies that appear more and more often.

This game can be very fun to play and has some cool mechanics overall, but it is still a very flawed experience. One of my main gripes with this game is that it is hard. Not even tough but fair, but horse shit hard. The third hardest difficulty is the most tough but fair difficulty in the game but even then it is just loaded with broken enemy spawns, absurd amounts of damage from far distances, and areas where health and ammo are basically non-existent. But the main thing that makes this game so difficult to play is that whenever you die, you lose all your guns, ammo, (Except your pistol and 50 bullets for it.) and armor. Some sections of this game become basically unplayable without weapons like the shotgun or the plasma rifle and there are tons of areas where the enemies who drop the weapons or ammo for those guns aren't even there.

Even with all the games major flaws and poor design choices, this game was revolutionary and there are quite literally countless games that wouldn't be here without it. If you like fps games then you should definitely give it a shot. 7/10

Reviewed on May 23, 2021
