One of the best parts about DOOM 1993 is how simple it is in concept, yet manages to be still be extremely fun. Really, the whole game is just, "Here's a gun, shoot everything." The problem with DOOM 1993 is that it can get boring due to a lack of variety in how the player approaches the game. What makes DOOM 2016 so great is how It took all the annoying parts about DOOM 1993 improved them, and made them super fun to use.

First I want to talk about some of the annoying mechanics from 1993 that were significantly improved in 2016, the best of which is keeping your guns when you die. When you died in Doom 1993, you would lose all your guns, armor, and extra health of any sort, this made certain sections of the game requiring literal hours to beat when playing on higher difficulties due to the lack of equipment. Now that whenever you find a gun you keep it permanently you can stop cursing the game because it was probably your fault you died.

Moving on, this is easily one of the best fps games ever. The strength of DOOM has always been in it's intensity without being inaccessible to more casual or inexperienced players, you will definitely die numerous times but overcoming those challenges feels so satisfying.

The gunplay in this game is just overall amazing, each weapon is different from one another, has they're own strengths and uses (Except the chaingun which sucks ass) and can all be upgraded into different fire modes which can also be upgraded to provide more advantages which will benefit you in numerous ways in the long run.

Soundtrack wise this has to be one of the best pieces of video game music I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. Mick Gordon has managed to create an absolute masterpiece in music and will forever be remembered for creating this phenominal soundtrack.

There are so many great things about this game from it's deep gameplay, beautiful soundtrack, and great difficulty, this will forever be one of the best games I've ever played. Overall: 9/10/

Reviewed on May 26, 2021
