The combat is incredible and the story is good with a lot more actually likable characters but a lot of the bosses are mediocre, the final boss segment drags on for way longer than it needs to (its also incredibly easy), and the story has a very bad sense of progression due to the need of having to do worlds that feel like filler content that don't progress the story whatsoever but they're also necessary in order to get certain abilities. but overall i enjoyed most the time i had with this game and can say its good

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022


1 year ago

yeah the disney worlds are filler I skipped the cutscenes and felt like I wasn’t missing anything.This game is perfect in critical tho like honestly it’s a completely different experience playing on critical.

1 year ago

probably, i played on proud which was a lot of fun but not really all that challenging so i might replay on crit one day