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Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

August 14, 2021

First played

September 2, 2011

Platforms Played


I think this is Ubisoft's best game which is more than a surprise.
It is one of the most unique games I've ever played.
An action driving game that makes do stuff aside from racing and also makes you feel like Steve McQueen. It has a very compelling story as you play as the cop Tanner trying to take down Jericho who always seems to be a step ahead. There is an interesting feature in 'Shifting' which allows you to hijack into another car by 'physically taking over the bodies of any driver' kind of like Super Mario Odyssey. It works seemlessly and well to the plot as most of the game is spent in coma. Because of this, some wild stuff goes down as you further progress the game with missions having you do things you won't see from other racing or driving games and it complements the story.
The arcade driving physics is great and every car feels distinct and fun to drive. The nice depiction of San Fran makes the drive much better and also the great music selection and soundtrack. This game still looks good too.

Incredibly underrated and deserves more recognition. This is a driving game that everyone who isn't into driving games will enjoy. The car hopping mechanic keeps the game's flow silky smooth and the great writing just wraps the whole thing together nicely.
We will also probably never see this kind of game ever again. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.