The closest thing to a Need For Speed: Most Wanted in recent years.

This game became a blueprint for open world racers. Even now, Need for Speed tries to recreate this game's formula to some success (like Need for Speed: Heat) and even did a remake once (see Most Wanted 2012) but failed. The thrill of the police chase truly makes this racing game unlike any other.

This is perhaps the best game to get non gamers into playing video games. A humorous puzzle game featuring one of the most memorable characters in gaming (GLaDOS) that tells a subtly dark and deeper story with top notch presentation and some of the most innovative game designs of its time. It is short but an enjoyable time from beginning to end and worth experiencing if you haven't already.

Star Wars has inspired Ace Combat, and now Ace Combat inspired Star Wars: Squadrons. It has now come full circle. Flying (and drifting) an X-Wing is so fun. It plays surprising deep with mechanics such as allocating power of the ships towards engines or weapons and it creates on the fly strategy whenever you are playing offensively or defensively. The flying is quite immersive too with a great detail to every starfighter. The controls are a bit odd though with thrusters on the left analog and yaw on the right but it can be all customised to your preferences. The sound design is amazing too and that makes fleet battles more fun and tense.
While the story is a bit lackluster save for a few set pieces such as a tunnel run, the multiplayer is where most of the enjoyment will be found. It also has crossplay and no micro transactions which is a nice surprise. If you have the slightest interest in flight shooters, consider giving it a try.

Scarlet Nexus was quite a good and enjoyable trip. The artstyle and presentation is aesthetically pleasing. It reminds me of the PS2 JRPGs and it feels like the style will hold up years from now. It is also a very ambitious game that tries to mix character action and RPG elements. It succeeds to some extent as it is fun/satisfying, with plenty of moves and powers to including your main telekinesis. It has its issues tho like the lack of enemy variety which especially hurts at the final chapter and depending on some players, the level design. I personally do not mind how linear the game is because I felt really engaged with the characters, their voice acting, the lore and story which makes me want to keep further progressing and find out what happens. While it is not perfectly written and can become a bit tropey especially since the more fun plot points are separated from different playthroughs and are either shown or simply told to you depending on which of the 2 stories you choose, it is still definitely good. I also think the character's interactions and bonding moments are what make it special. The music is also fantastic and well varied that often complements the game's environment and vibe that you will probably not get tired of hearing it loop. To write it off as another ''anime game'' is a disservice and if you find it interesting in the slightest, do give it a try.

Great simcade racer that could have had the potential to compete with Gran Turismo if Konami released it before GT4 or on a different platform. Physics are on point, solid vehicle lineup and very stylish music. While it does not have as much content as GT4 and also loses some steam the further you get into the career mode due to how messy or random the progression can be with the calendar and rankings, it is still recommended to give it try if you are a fan of this genre of racing.

This is Call of Duty at its best. Incredible campaign, well balanced multiplayer and some of the best zombies experience ever.

I think this is Ubisoft's best game which is more than a surprise.
It is one of the most unique games I've ever played.
An action driving game that makes do stuff aside from racing and also makes you feel like Steve McQueen. It has a very compelling story as you play as the cop Tanner trying to take down Jericho who always seems to be a step ahead. There is an interesting feature in 'Shifting' which allows you to hijack into another car by 'physically taking over the bodies of any driver' kind of like Super Mario Odyssey. It works seemlessly and well to the plot as most of the game is spent in coma. Because of this, some wild stuff goes down as you further progress the game with missions having you do things you won't see from other racing or driving games and it complements the story.
The arcade driving physics is great and every car feels distinct and fun to drive. The nice depiction of San Fran makes the drive much better and also the great music selection and soundtrack. This game still looks good too.

Incredibly underrated and deserves more recognition. This is a driving game that everyone who isn't into driving games will enjoy. The car hopping mechanic keeps the game's flow silky smooth and the great writing just wraps the whole thing together nicely.
We will also probably never see this kind of game ever again. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.

Project Wingman is the best love letter there is to AC. I adore the soundtrack composed by Jose Pavli and it is paired perfectly with a really solid campaign and an extremely fun flight model + bonus conquest roguelike mode. Happy 3rd Anniversary PW