This game starts ok and very quickly stops being ok. A mean platformer disguised as a kid friendly game, with tight jumps, enemies and other dangers waiting for you off screen, basically telegraphed first time deaths, and all of those old timey things that old devs thought meant "difficulty".

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023


5 months ago

What are you talking about bro.
I remember finishing this game when I was 5.
And I LOVED replaying it after that. I was nigh speedrunning this game as a child before the concept of speedrunning was even a widespread media thing, since this was during the 90s.
I totally do not agree with you.
It was challenging, yes.
But you sound like you need handholdy games.
You underestimate children, because me as a child. I truly did not feel the way you do.

5 months ago

@Zorothex You really think a 5 year old with nothing better to do is having the right takes on game design??

5 months ago

Yeah it was plain shit.

3 months ago

I have literally replayed this game about 5 times through my life. not gonna lie bro, git gud.

I could beat it as a child and he is literally mentioning skill based issues.