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In spite of some frustrating aspects, and some really bad stages, I came to enjoy the interesting take on the strategic gameplay in Valkyria Chronicles. The ability of physical objects or character presences to affect the outcomes of encounters outside of their turns, damn. This makes the game feel less conventionally turn-based and more like a pseudo real-time game. Fascinating stuff... Even though it doesn't always work, I have to respect the commitment to refreshing the situations you find yourself dealing with throughout the story.

Story is no slouch either. I certainly didn't expect the narrative of anime but bootleg world war 2 to be nearly as graceful as this turned out to be. It tackles some subjects you wouldn't expect, and I don't have many issues with the way they were handled, just that some parts didn't seem to go anywhere far. I also liked the main cast of characters, Welkin is such a dork xD Shame most of the side-characters don't get anything for themselves beyond combat traits and battle lines, but those do work out for seeing their nature and how they relate to each other.

The picture book approach to ui elements and visuals in general fit VC like a glove