I had a lot of fun with this game. At first, probably throughout the first half, I was mostly thinking that it was a fun game but maybe a little too similar to the first game and Miles Morales. I was thinking that Miles Morales was more of a substantial gameplay improvement from Spider Man PS4 than Spider Man 2 was from Miles Morales. But then I got into the second half of the game, and it went from an 8 to a 9 out of 10 game for me. Things go absolutely crazy in the second half, there were so many amazing main missions being thrown at you back to back, giving you no time to let up, but in a good way. The changes for both Miles and Peter's combat abilities are a lot of fun. Peter's symbiote abilities just feel great to use, they really have a lot of impact behind them. The new abilities for Miles are still fun, but they are very similar to his powers from his own game. Those abilities were already kind of perfect though, and they are still here, so each character is equally fun to play. Swinging and traversing through the city still feel as great as they did in the first game, just with more techniques that make swinging even faster. The story was great, and there is a clear setup for a third game. I just hope that the potential third game mixes things up more than this one. The first half really did feel a little too same-y to the first two games, so I hope the next one takes more risks and keeps things fresh.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
