Animal Well is an amazing experience. Everything about this game comes together in such a perfect way. The music and sound effects are soothing, yet they somehow have an eerie element to them at the same time. The game is incredible to look at as well. The sprites on their own look great, but what really makes the visuals stand out is the beautiful lighting and all the particle effects that are on screen all at once. The gameplay is incredibly engaging. The game is always introducing new mechanics and tools that you can use to solve puzzles, and this kept me entertained until the very end. Exploring the world felt so natural. The animals placed all around the map really make the world feel alive. Returning to areas I had previously visited with new items and being able to solve puzzles that I had to skip before was always rewarding. The puzzles themselves were all so creatively designed. They start simple, but by the endgame, they can be completely ridiculous, and that's a good thing. There is so much content that could be easily missed in this game, but it feels so rewarding to find it all. There are probably a lot more puzzles that I completely missed, and I'm looking forward to seeing what people continue to discover about this game. I tend to look up answers to questions I have about games the instant I get stuck, but Animal Well was a game I wanted to go into completely blind for, and I really wanted to figure out all the puzzles I encountered for myself. I'm glad I did this, because it ended up being super rewarding, and I'm going to try and avoid guides for games I play in the future too. Everything about this game was so creative and different than most of the games that come out these days. Truly a masterpiece.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2024
