Furi lasted me a scant few hours one quiet afternoon but in that short time I played a tightly-constructed and fantastically intense game that was an instant hit for me.

We play as The Stranger, a mysterious prisoner who is freed from their chains and begins a series of fights against their nine jailers, each one ruler of a tiny micro-planet part of the Stranger's incredible, elaborate prison. The actual story here is deliberately obfuscated, delivered in cryptic narration and in the snippets of conversation your captors have with you.

The game itself is a series of boss fights, each one a multi-layered, multiple-stage clash that tests your reflexes and memory in a stunning way. Combat switches elegantly between bullet hell style shmup and effortless, beautiful hack-and-slash melee, with vast, twisting patterns that ebb and flow like a rhythm game. Lots of games get difficulty wrong but Furi nails it; it's tough and challenging, but fair and quick to get you back in the action.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
