An absolutely dreadful action-platformer that isn't even suitable for super-fans of the show, failing at representing the source material in any way worth playing.

Irritatingly, things start quite well as we come out of the first cutscene, in which Professor Farnsworth sells Planet Express to evil tycoon Mom giving her majority control over the Earth, and drop into a wonderfully recreated version of the Planet Express building. However, things go swiftly downhill (indeed, down-sewers) after that as we follow Fry, Bender, and Leela through a series of bland, ambling levels over the course of a woefully toothless plot.

The gameplay is a fairly tepid mix of basic platforming and generic action. Fry can wield guns so his levels have you wrestle with terrible lock-on and enemies that can hit you from a mile away, while Bender and Leela need to make do with artless melee combat. All three have to deal with hideously dull level design and dealing with an uncooperative camera.

Originally conceived as a potential end for the show, you can now experience the story of this game as an extra on DVDs (and I assume Disney+). Do that instead if you must.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
