Mario Kart Ranked

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While I absolutely adore Wii and DS, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is just easily the best there is. Gorgeous graphics, great tracks with more iconic ones coming back with DLC and the best soundtrack the games have ever had.
My first ever Mario Kart and the one that holds my most fondest memories. The tracks here are amazing with some of the best music and iconic music in the series, and even the motion controls were fun.
My first Mario Kart, it holds a special place in my heart. It introduced a pretty fun challenge mode, had some fun new tracks with banger music AND it was all portable, so just a great game.
Easily the most forgettable Mario Kart there is, this doesn’t mean the game is bad, it’s just got nothing going for it. It’s got the 7 power-up and introduced flying, but that’s kinda it from what I remember.
Another fun Mario Kart that improved upon every aspect of the original, with better controls, track design, visuals and more fun items. This is a great game, but compared to the others it’s a little lacking.
A really fun Mario Kart, I can easily see how this can be some people’s favorite. The main gimmick is pretty fun to use and the tracks are fun, it’s overall again just a great game to play with friends.
While it’s the start of it all, it is the first game in the series which shows. There’s still fun to be had here but I just think all the other games improved upon everything they did here and afterwards.
A good portable Mario Kart. It’s nothing special really, just a fun little game you can play on the go whenever. But like the first game some of the visuals can be a bit annoying at times.
Haven’t played for years now but when I did it was just the most scummy game ever. I had a little fun when it came to the actual driving but everything around that was just garbage.


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