Taken from a steam review I did last year:

This is by far the most mixed feelings I've ever had on a game. On the one hand, it's a broken, buggy mess. It regularly crashes, glitches out, and breaks. The balancing is way off to the point where some characters and comps feel near impossible to play against. Its artstyle is off-putting and some of the characters range from ugly to kinda problematic.

But my word. Get past all of that, and you have one of the most fun video games i've ever played. The gameplay feels fluid and fun without being that overwhelming, and each of the roles feel pronounced and have their own important job. While people tend to point out a lot of similarities between this game and overwatch, the character designs still feel very unique. You have a goblin in a flying wooden mech, a man that can stop and rewind time, an army commander that can launch people in the sky with an arm cannon, and a universe-devouring worm. And that's just the tanks. But i think the best part about this game is the customisation. Each character has 3 talents, and 16 cards that alter the way they play. Some of them do feel either redundant or downright useless, but most of the time, it means that 2 people can play the same character in completely different ways. For example, my main, Ruckus, is a tank with booster jets and the ability to generate a shield for himself. One loadout I have for him includes a talent that increases the shield's health to give him some of the highest HP in the game, and a card that lets me activate that shield again after just 5 seconds. This makes him very hard to take down without a co-ordinated attack, and makes holding down the point a lot easier. Another build I have lets his booster jets take him directly upwards, as well as forwards at a much greater distance. This means that, with enough practice, you can get to wherever you want on the map, flank around geometry, and be one of the most mobile characters in the game while still having tank levels of defence. That's just one example from one of the simpler characters in the game. With around 50 characters in the game, each with their own customizability, plus in-game items similar to a MOBA, no 2 people are going to be playing a character the exact same way.

I could write an entire essay about this game (and maybe I will some day), but for now i'll leave it at this:

Paladins is one of the most fun, creative, and unique ideas for an FPS i've ever seen. But it's an absolute mess. Part of me really hopes we see a complete rework from the ground up, letting everyone see just how good of a game it really is. But for now, give it a chance. I almost want to say it's worth it.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
