Now THIS game is my real childhood. Before I was ever able to get my hands on a game console, or even a real game for PC, I had this I SPY game for my mom's old Windows Vista desktop.

It holds up shockingly well today, despite a couple of hiccups on modern hardware, specifically with playing the end-of-route cutscenes. The charm of the visuals is fully intact, and you can see just how much care went into designing each of the puzzles. The sound design is fun and strange, and the voice of the skeleton is on point.

There's just a few parts of the game that definitely show its age, like the inability to skip past the animations that play with every object you click on. This is of course a nitpick, but it does get in the way a bit when you're finding objects faster than the animations will let you click on them.

With this game being so easily available on the web today, it's a short 2 hour little adventure that's sure to put a smile on your face if you're anything like me. Give it a shot.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
