The worst part about this game is that it stopped getting updates for me. I love the visual style, love the mechanics, and I don't mind the omission of the other character classes. Goes on sale for pretty cheap, so I'd definitely pick it up.

Honestly this game is so good it baffles me, continuous new content, great co-op, fun visuals and music, it really brings it all. I cannot say enough how much fun this game is.

A fun game for a bit, but the battles get repetitive with the long animations as well. Also, building viable mons for battle is such a tedious task on original hardware. Still though, the level of challenge and connectivity to those other games cannot be ignored, and the game is still very fun on its own merits. Also the whole round 2 thing made me cry.

A great little story based visual novel game with fun minigames. Honestly great dialogue and art, can't go wrong with this free gem!

A great little platformer with rock-solid, perfectly challenging level design, stylized and colorful graphics, a funky fresh soundtrack, the only downside being that some of the very final levels time trials can be brutally punishing. Yet, I can't recommend this game enough!

A great little Popcap game with simple mechanics and fun colors and music! Tons of fun content but short enough to not be tedious given the simple concept. Also great multiplayer modes for such a cheap game, absolutely pick this one up!