Functional (and somewhat fun!) but ultimately unmemorable for a Sonic game. It’s interesting seeing a Boost game with far smoother turning and less hallway-like design, but in turn lacks a lot of the cinematography and impact of the Boost games, or momentum-based fun and endearing worlds of the Adventure games.

It doesn’t do much aside from providing some fun bitesized Sonic gameplay - which is excellent for an Apple Arcade title, but it always feels like it’s reaching for something a bit more. It feels like Apple gave them a good amount of budget to put into creating these really nicely designed models and level environments, but the general interface and storybook panel cutscenes feel really low budget - which causes it to sit on a weird in-between plane between substantial experience and Cotton Candy Fluff Of A Game. Nothing bad, nothing offensive, but also not much to stick your teeth into.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2023
