Rebuilding life

I find it difficult to describe Terranigma to someone that has no idea what the premise of the title is about. It definitely feels like Quintet's culimination of efforts after Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia. In an era where SNES JRPGs are considered the absolute peak of the genre, Terranigma earns its place there with some of the best.

The story is great as it shows the duality of how the light side and dark side came to be. In stories where characters develop, the world also truly develops with you as well. This is what makes the games special in my eyes. Life itself progressing based on your actions. Ark wasn't the greatest of people in the beginning of his story, he starts by having to apologize for things he did before and even when you try to help people, the game won't let you initially. The narrative starts slow but it builds up in scope the more the world itself builds back up too.

Traversal through the world and defending yourself is pretty simple to a benefit and a fault. I think the combat is simple but it also feels extremely fluid, each attack gives you a specific benefit over a specific type of enemy and gives you a bit to go over. The magic system is not the greatest but it does an okay job. Leveling up is never a problem and overall dungeon design is overall good here. A bit of backtracking but it doesn't really dilute the experience too much. I wish the combat had a bit more to it, another type of weapon maybe but it works well and the game doesn't overstay its welcome.

The sprite work for the game is great as Ark not only feels fluid but looks fluid too in his animations. Seeing all of the creative designs including the modern stuff is great. The soundtrack is great to boot with some somber and some emotional pieces that are hard not to have an emotional response to. Elle's theme just does that and hearing the overworld theme for the first time after a bit to signal the adventure was truly beginning.

A great action JRPG that feels extremely solid in a variety of places. I was a bit bored with the combat and backtracking after a bit but I think that's really the most personal worst parts about the game for me. Everything this game offers is unique and something a fan of JRPGs should definitely play at least once.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Elle’s theme is so goated, glad u liked the game.