Skies of Arcadia is a game I returned to at the beginning of the year for a second playthrough. Originally, I played the game as a kid on the Dreamcast and remembered liking it a good amount. But replaying it has made me realize that so many memories I attributed to other games actually came from Skies of Arcadia.

The premise is rather simple. Vyse and Aika are Blue Rogues—sky pirates that seek out and plunder from evil pirates known simply as Black Pirates. After freeing a captive from the Silvite Nation, the two get tangled up in a massive battle for the world against the Empire of Valua.

The sense of adventure in Skies of Arcadia is unparalleled to me in a JRPG. With your airship, you can travel the skies and uncover loads of hidden treasures, historical landmarks forgotten by time, enemy sky pirates, mythical beasts, and ancient civilizations. It keeps you wanting to come back and explore every inch of the map.

There are two battle systems in Skies of Arcadia. The first is traditional JRPG combat where characters take turns following the player's commands and ship battles. In regular battles, characters share Spirit Points for special moves and casting magic. This creates a secondary system of managing your SP while remaining on the attack and can make for some stressful but fun situations. Ship combat is also turn-based but relies upon the parts you have used in making your ship. These battles are more about anticipating enemy movements and countering them accordingly with some risky decision making.

The characters are a highlight for me in Skies of Arcadia. As you might suspect them to be rather one-note from early impressions, Vyse, Aika, and Fina make a great trio of characters. Their dynamic begins fairly average, but evolves into a true friendship that feels believable and engaging. In addition to them are temporary party members that change as the story progresses, but each of the fourth characters are well-rounded and entertaining. This is not a Final Fantasy II situation with your fourth party members.

The graphics might be dated to many, but to me, I cherish this artstyle. Characters are fun and expressive with unique designs and the occasional line of voice acting. The music is what you'd expect from a SEGA game—fantastic. The light moments are exciting and fun and while the darker moments are amplified by somber pieces. It breathes life into the adventure and makes pivotal moments stand out.

Skies of Arcadia is one of my favorite RPGS and one of my favorite video games period. It has so much character and a strong sense of adventure with a story that has its surprisingly heavy moments. You will cherish the time you spend with the Blue Rogues and look back on it fondly for years to come. The best Dreamcast game, the best pirate game, and a great time to be had.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2021


2 years ago

Really well written review, definitely will play this soon. Sounds like an amazing experience!

2 years ago

I'm sold. Been sitting here reading some of your reviews and I am nothing short of impressed. I personally haven't played Skies of Arcadia, but now I think I'll give it a shot!

2 years ago

Awesome, Gushen. Hope you enjoy it. It's a fun time.