This is one game I'm pretty... conflicted about. Admittedly I do have some nostalgia for it playing it on the SNES here and there, and I still really dig the presentation with the game's visuals and recreated soundtrack.

However, the game's extremely steep difficulty curve makes it really hard for me to enjoy going back to it. The game starts out fairly straightforward, but as soon as you enter the second level (the "Just Can't Wait to be King" stage) the game pretty much instantly becomes extremely frustrating with some mechanics that aren't explained to you at all and having some REALLY bullshit deaths. This issue is especially bad considering there's no way to save your game on original hardware.

I may consider doing a playthrough of it, however that'll most likely happen on the Switch's "Disney Classic Games" collection where I have unlimited save states at my disposal.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2021
