Playing this following my replay of the first episode, I can definitely say this game is an improvement, and actually can make for a decent, fun time.

The physics and movement are definitely better than the first episode. I do still have problems with the roll and spin dash, but in general I still felt like I had a better sense of speed, especially considering that Sonic tends to build it up quicker both with and without the air dash, and moves like the homing attack feel better integrated with the level design.

On that note, the levels in this game definitely feel more interesting compared to the first when it comes to both visuals/themes and design. While there are themes reused here (Sylvania Castle basically being Aquatic Ruin, Oil Desert being Oil Ocean), even in those cases, the better visuals and added design elements actually make them feel more unique compared to Episode 1's, and in addition to that, the level design definitely feels more dynamic and less flash game-y than the first episode.

That said, it still isn't particularly great. The added moves with Tails are kind of just a mixed bag overall - sometimes they can be fun to use in levels that integrate them well, but most of the time, they sort of just break the pace of the game and don't really add a lot to the experience.

Tails' flight ability feels hella weak, which is especially noticeable in Oil Desert (particularly towards the end of Act 1) when you have to use it over distances and making the slightest mistake can screw you over. The Sonic/Tails spin can also be pretty OP, in some cases allowing you to speed right through large areas of the level especially where the design is pretty flat.

However, I can at least say I had a decent time with this game. I would still recommend Sonic Mania over this in a heartbeat, but I would say compared to Episode 1, this game is at least worth a shot, especially if on sale.

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2021
