Heard about this game only because of memes, so I decided I'd try it, couldn't be more happy to play this game. Probably one of the most dynamic and fluid combat (and movement) that I've seen in a game. Parrying perfectly an enemies attack greatly rewards you and it's probably the biggest dopamine rush you can get there. The bosses are very fun. Except for a few annoying boss stages it is very fun to fight them. Soundtrack is super and I'd even dare to say it's near Persona 3 Reload's level. The main character is very likeable and it's easy to become Raiden's or Jetstream's Sam fan. This games story has a moment ,,the villain maybe is right'' kind of part which I quite enjoy and it makes you think. The game isn't too long and maybe could be a bit longer but it still is very ok. However, this game also has some flaws. First of all the tutorials are very bad. They barely tell you anything and withouy checking a ,,How to play" guide on YouTube you're going to have a hard time. Maybe it's just me but playing MGRR on MnK doesn't feel very fun. It was quite hard to parry, whilst on a controller it's way simpler, so if you can play it on a controller. I also find the camera rather ,,janky". You get used to it after a while but it isn't great. Overall I really loved this game, shame there isn't a sequel to it. Thanks to MGRR I've taken interest in the Metal Gear Solid franchise and maybe in the future I'll play some MGS titles. If I could I'd give this game 4.75 stars.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024
