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2 days

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October 23, 2023

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October 20, 2023

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Easily the most fun 2d Mario, badges were a much needed addition that added more depth to levels and stages. The online although initially disappointing turned out to still be fun, having different standees you're able to place as a way to revive players was cool. Each stage having it's own Wonder Flower effect also made each level feel different from one another. The only time the Wonder Flowers failed in making each level feel different was putting all 3 Hoppycat stages in a row but I think they were different enough to be justified. The weakest part of the game was definitely the bosses as most have said, all of them being Bowser Jr. was a bit lame but they luckily added something to each of them to make them a bit different from the last. I don't think the bosses being a bit on the bad side hurts the game however as the final boss had a fun gimmick. Incorporating the stuff learned in earlier music themed levels into Final Bowser was fun. The Final special world level although frustrating didn't feel badly designed. Most final Mario levels consist of trial and error until you find out what works. The Final-Final Test uses the badges you've played with the entire game to make one long challenge (with a single checkpoint) that actually gives a sense of accomplishment after beating it. The only criticism I'd give to it is with the invisibility badge and spring badge. Since they're expert badges most people didn't play with them in their run, I feel like there should've been at least one badge challenge for both of them with the invisibility badge helping you learn the balloon enemies more and the spring badge's practicing the fire bars (If there was a badge challenge about these please disregard this because I probably forgot about it). Overall the game was spectacular and used the time in each world perfectly so they didn't feel overly bloated, although some worlds were shorter than others (specifically world 3) I still had fun collecting everything in each one. Overall the talking flowers were pretty funny and while most of them were quick gags there are some very memorable ones such as the one who says "I'm a talking flower!" then immediately gets boiled, they added a lot of extra charm to the game and gave a sense of company that other 2d Mario games don't have (again if I forgot about a partner or something forgive me). All the special world levels were fun for the most part (not you climb to the beat) and gave a good amount of challenge compared to the normal levels. Overall the game felt very polished and definitely lands at the top for my favorite 2d Mario game.