The art in this game is second to none. I don't recall exactly what methods they used but it worked phenomenally. I absolutely adore some of the character designs in this game.
The boss fights are a tad difficult, yet still fun even through that! The story is also a bit charming, the inkwell style era makes things a lot more fun and there is a bunch of great music that comes from this game

However I have a hard time going back to it after completion as I cannot find any reason to ever really go back, once I've beaten a boss it feels like I have little reason to ever fight it again, I already know what to do and I can usually just do the same thing, nothing new or unique tends to happen as most of the fights are extremely predictable due to it being a bullet hell style game. Even by switching ammo types rather than having a unique experience it just feels like i'm making the game harder on myself for no reason. The actual levels felt a bit shallow compared to the grandiose bosses you would end up fighting either directly before or after, it's strange going from traditional side scroller levels into those.

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2022
