If we are talking base DOOM games and not any additional content like Plutonia in Final DOOM, this is probably my favorite game to date from the franchise. I really, really love how they handled this game from a sound design and artistic perspective. It changed the normal DOOM formula to something I think it fares better as, a pseudo-horror experience. The cacophony of droning you are met with immediately after loading into the first level sets the scene for the rest of the game in that this is not your average DOOM game, the re-textures on all the enemies were an extremely welcome touch. I actually prefer some of the designs here to the original ones, specifically this games version of the cacodemon.

However a double-edged sword of this installment is about the puzzles of this game, they are a lot less forgiving especially when it comes to secret items. There are mistakes you can make that irreversibly destroy any chance to actually get to a secret, there are also extremely methodical and obtuse steps you have to take just to get certain secrets. I myself really enjoy this feature, but I understand why a casual player would dislike this. As you actually have a very slim chance of finding these without going out of your way for a walkthrough. The game is also a lot more puzzle heavy than its predecessors outside of secrets. If you are looking for a more horror oriented experience I would heavily recommend this version of DOOM, but if you prefer the run and gun ass kicking, the original and newer DOOM's might suit you better.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2022
