Not scary, but it can be quite tense. Better than FNAF 2 and more replayable than FNAF 1, but FNAF 1's first time is more fun than any FNAF 3 playthrough.

Scott tried to do a lot with this game, and he succeeded in some aspects, but there are a lot of parts of the game that I dont like. The music box is a great example of a good idea in concept that doesn't work well in execution. Still would recommend playing once

Started a franchise and a sub genre. Quite the nice game on your first playthrough or two, but once you learn more about the game it starts to get quite boring as you do the same thing over and over again.

Played all the major routes. Very fun and rewarding game.

Fun ONLY IF you have friends to play with. I get thats the point, but ya know.

Extremely fun game! Better with friends. Public lobbies aren't the greatest.

Still a great game after almost 4000 hours of play time.