I feel pretty conflicted on "End of Zoe".

On one hand, it's easily the best DLC of the bunch. It features the largest amount of new stand-alone content, a new gameplay style, and a final conclusion to the main story. It feels the most fleshed out and thoughtful of all the DLCs; its the only one I'd feel confident saying you have to play. (You don't really have to though).

But on the other hand, its just so overly ridiculous and impossible to take seriously. You play as a grandpa who eats bugs, spears crocodiles, and obliterates the evil scary monsters from the main game with his bare god damn hands, all while carrying around little straw men in his pocket that somehow make him even stronger. I won't deny that it was fun, because I had a pretty fun time with it, but its just way too silly to take its mostly serious story all that, well, seriously.

I also thought that the final boss was kind of annoying. Not in a gameplay sense, but in a story one. I won't spoil what it is, but it just kind of takes away from one of my favorite scenes from the main game, not enough to ruin it or anything, but just enough to annoy me.

Overall though, I still believe this is the best of all the "Resident Evil 7" DLCs. It feels the most complete and thought out. And even though its way too ridiculous to take seriously, that doesn't stop it from being a blast.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
