Mythpunk and Elfpunk

Part of my Punk Aesthetics series of lists.

Mythpunk refers to a subgenre of mythic fiction in which classical folklore and faerie tales get hyper-poetic post-modern makeovers where as Elfpunk is a subgenre of urban fantasy in which traditional mythological creatures, such as faeries and elves, are transplanted from rural folklore into modern urban settings.

The Wolf Among Us
The Wolf Among Us
The Wolf Among Us 2
The Wolf Among Us 2
Alice: Madness Returns
Alice: Madness Returns
The Path
The Path
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Emerald City Confidential
Emerald City Confidential
Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds
Alice is Dead: Hearts and Diamonds
Shadowrun Trilogy
Shadowrun Trilogy
Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk: Episode 2 - Hibiscus & Butterfly
Coffee Talk: Episode 2 - Hibiscus & Butterfly


9 months ago

Unavowed, Yo-Kai Watch, think Ghostwire Tokyo has yokai too.

9 months ago

@ZapRowsdower - I haven't heard of Unavowed. What makes it for this list?

Ghostwire isn't a bad shout. It maybe fits the Elfpunk theme if a little loosely. 🤔

9 months ago

I added Unavowed on my steam wishlist though. Looks pretty cool.

9 months ago

Unavowed fits because its urban fantasy with a bunch of folkloric beings showing up such as dryads, djinns, Chinese dragons, muses, etc. So it falls more in the elfpunk vein like Wolf Among Us does.

I went with those yokai examples because yokai are sort of like Japanese versions of old school fae.

Also I remember two more adventure games that might fit the bill, Emerald City Confidential and the Alice is Dead flash games, which were noir takes on Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland respectively.

9 months ago

@ZapRowsdower - Added those, thanks!

9 months ago

shadowrun (pick any game) might be on your cyberpunk list, but it could be a fit for this one considering it's typically set in a city environment and there are orks, elves, trolls, and even dragons (and so forth).

9 months ago

@zn0 - I wasn't aware of that! I have some of the games but still haven't got to them in the backlog. Really looking forward to trying the series out at some point. I'll add the trilogy in. Thanks!

9 months ago

Coffee Talk maybe? Modern urban setting with immortal elves, vampires, werewolves and an orc game developer

9 months ago

@Jackier - Thank you yes! I have been racking my head sure I played something recently in this theme! Couldn't remember. It's perfect!

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