Ajax 1987

Log Status






Time Played

2h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 12, 2022

Platforms Played


1987 had some great releases. Michael Jackson's Bad album, the first episode of the Simpsons, Mega Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are all solid examples of this to name a few. What isn't a solid example of this is Ajax, or Typhoon as it was called here in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised if you've never heard of it, I hadn't either. It came on Konami's Arcade Classics Collection I play from time to time as a break from larger things.

The game really sets the scene with a Fighter Jet dive bombing towards a battleship in the water as if it was fired from a spaceship in orbit shooting missiles and planes coming up at it to a rocking soundtrack. It's a little clunky aiming sure but visually and conceptually for 1987 it's absolutely nuts. The second level instantly puts you into an average looking vertical shoot 'em up with a helicopter and it's kind of uninspiring. It plays fine and is the standard collect power ups of the type to give you 3 way shot, missiles, bomb, laser and Vulcan Cannon. Nothing clever to see here.

Sometimes nothing clever is fine though, I was having at least passable fun playing through initially. The issue is I simply couldn't finish the game. Even with save states on easy the stage 6 boss gave me such an intense pasting with a crazy cat lady's worth of projectile black orbs coming at me as well as even faster boulders. I admit I'm not good at shoot 'em ups but I don't think I'm that bad that I can't beat a game on easy with save states. Clearly I was wrong.

It's ok as a piece of history to play through, I'm glad I got to try it but I have no interest in playing it again. If I wanted to play a shoot 'em up I know would kick my posterior I'd just choose Thunder Force IV.

+ Opening level sets a bar the rest of the game simply can't hit.
+ Great music.

- The main game is just kind of forgettable.
- Mission 6 boss is a child born out of wedlock.