Sci-fi B-movie, the game!

Been a fan of the series since playing EDF 2017 as the premise was so dumb but the games, despite being repetitive, are silly fun and that applies to EDF 4.1.

This is a port of EDF 2025 on the PS3 with some of the DLC missions included and a few slight changes. The basic principle though is the same; pick one of four classes and use daft weapons to kill giant insects, retro looking robots and spaceships while destroying half the city as B-Movie dialogue and voice acting spur the missions on.

The four classes all play slightly differently depending on what you choose. Ranger is an all around class with strong weapons, Wing Diver can fly and has great speed and mobility but the lowest health gain, Air Raider can summon artillery, air strikes and usable vehicles and the Fencer is basically a walking tank with highest health and canons. Each class can gain new weapons and extra health to slowly increase their total from killed enemies.

The game has a huge 98 missions and 5 difficulties which are really quite hard (I'm still trying to beat hardest or Inferno without success, need to level up more) and supports 2 player split screen or 4 player online. The lobbies now days are pretty quiet but I still manage to play 4 player pretty often.

If I had to complain i'd say the grind is insane to get the armour required to try the harder difficulties, the game doesn't respect your time at all. Also the user interface is horrible, trying to set up an online game or invite people takes a while to get used to.

Otherwise this is chewing gum for the brain fun. It's on sale constantly, I picked it up for just over £3 so you've got nothing to lose trying it.

+ Mindless fun.
+ A lot of content.
+ B-Movie feeling is great.
+ EDF!

- Grinding is ridiculous.
- User interface for menus is hideous

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2021
