Seeing the only review on here for Eliminate Down currently saying they couldn't get past stage 5 even on easy when I'm not a good or seasoned Shoot 'em up player didn't bode well and funnily enough that was my wall too.

Sad thing is the game has a lot of really cool ideas. Your ship has three different firing styles you can manually rotate through including forward firing lasers, four way diagonal shots and beams firing backwards allowing you to change your attack on the fly and it's needed as enemies will come at you in multiple directions. When you pick up a power up in effects all your guns, when you get 5 it levels it up until you hit level 3. Die and you drop down a level still giving you a chance to claw back to full power which isn't the challenge it sounds as power ups often come in batches. The problem is this game's balance is not great, the weapons just aren't very strong even fully powered up. No power ups upon dying and it's even worse. The game does come with barrier shields as power up finds that will take a few hits but these seem extremely rare, I feel they should come automatically on every death would help a bit.

Technically this game is pretty good looking to be honest. It starts strong with space battles, descents though atmosphere, planet runs, cool looking Bio organic looking machines and ships. The game has some neat boss designs and each level seems to have a mid level boss to boot, some of which are quite hard. I especially like the run up a wall of Mechanical statue guardians was a cool sequence.

All in all it's a great looking and playing title, it's got cool power up ideas, solid music, easy adjustable ship speed options, a mini game in the menu etc. The weapons just aren't strong enough or maybe it's just a case I need to 'get gud?' Either way after multiple attempts I couldn't get past level 5 and I hear it gets much harder from there....

+ 3 way weapon system.
+ Interesting power up system.
+ Nice visuals and art design.
+ That front cover.

- Weapons aren't strong enough.
- Gets extremely hard.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022
