Mass Effect is back and guess what? It's like, pretty much what I remember. And what I remember fuckin RULES.

Mass Effect is a series that lives outside of time as we know it. It is eternal. The first real video game saga. A lot of people like to compare Mass Effect to Star Wars. This is incorrect. It fails to grasp the true magnitude of how great, how impactful, how everlasting Mass Effect is. Mass Effect IS the Odyssey of video games. It's Beowulf; it's Canterbury Tales; it's the Magna Carta; it's the Rosetta Stone. It's the Expanse BEFORE people knew that they wanted the Expanse.

Mass Effect 1 created video games. You can actually draw a line of video game history pre Mass Effect and post Mass Effect. Mass Effect 1 came out in 2007. According to, the best video game of 2006 was The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was NOT a video game; it was a 26 hour long tutorial.

What was the best game of 2008? Mass Effect 2. 2009? Mass Effect 2. 2021? Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 2 IS a perfect sequel AND a perfect AAA game. It came back with a bigger budget, and, in a move that most developers still cannot replicate, Bioware actually used it to make the game BETTER. The combat is tighter. The menus feel better. There are more companions AND they're all as good, if not better, than the companions from the first game (no easy task).

Mass Effect 2 was the peak of downloadable content. There has never been a piece of downloadable content that reaches the quality of Lair of the Shadow Broker. I am in love with Liara T'Soni. I'm going to ask her to marry me, and she will say yes. Do you know what kind of DLC came out after Lair of the Shadow Broker? Fortnite's battle pass. Fornite is a game for children. You can't have sex with aliens in Fornite. You can in Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 3 succeeds in the impossible task of wrapping up a trilogy, and only takes a slight stumble toward the end. Honestly, the end isn't even that bad. It's just that we're so used to Mass Effect figurately and literally knocking it out of the park that anything short of perfect feels subpar. And the ending is fine. It works if you think about it for a couple of seconds. You owe Mass Effect a couple of seconds of consideration. You know what didn't wrap up a trilogy in the right way? Those new Star Wars movies. Now I haven't seen those movies, but the way people talk about them, let me just say that Mass Effect 3 does it way better than Episode 9. The multiplayer part was surprisingly good too.

Mass Effect is the most influential video game series of all time. Play through Mass Effect 1, and you will realize that Breath of the Wild would have never existed with out it. Link is an evolution of the Mako. The planetary exploration speaks for itself. Gears of War would have never gotten sad if Mass Effect didn't tell people that you could have a narrative in your third person shooter video game. Mass Effect literally created Spec Ops the Line, and you love that game.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2022
