This game appeals to a very niche audience, so you'll either love it or hate it. I hated it. 10 hours in, and NOTHING remotely interesting has happened and the game doesn't hint it'll be going anywhere anytime soon. The guitar mechanic is interesting but you can only play 2 songs per in-game day. The main character is extremely dislikeable. I don't care about the story at this point because, as I said, nothing has happened and even if something will happen I can't bring my self to open the game anymore because it's so boring I couldn't care less. Maybe this is less of a game and more of an interactive story, but I've sat through those and I've even played visual novels and enjoyed them, but I just can't enjoy this.
I can't bring myself to open the game anymore. The visuals are nice and it seems like I could love this game if I enjoyed it, but I don't.
Maybe try it. Maybe don't. Don't expect a game. Except a slow slog of a story with a bit of interactivity. Maybe try it on a sale or something.

However, I still praise the indie devs for the game they made. It is obvious the effort they put into this game and I respect that. Just wish I could enjoy it as well.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
