I was skeptical about whether a PvP game like this could be fun. What is the point if I can have 4+ hours go down the drain because I get raided by players with 10x as much playtime as 10x less of a life as me? While that did happen a few times, it created some of the best situations I have ever played. Better than any AI can produce. The key element is that you CAN work together with people, but you can never trust them so it created some amazing situations. Seeing a ship on the horizion sailing straight towards you is also terrifying, espeically when it is just you or one other person. I remember being chased by a ship for 2 hours, and having to slowly sell my loot with my 2-3 other teammates as we passed outposts. I remember the espionage at the Fort of Damned, as me and two other ships all agreed to attack the Fort of the Damned. That all came tumbling down when one of the ships got blown up with a very powerful powder keg. That one time I was running around my ship and spotted someone hiding on the floor in the corner of my eye, and had to play it off as if I didn't notice anything until my friend got back. That one time I ruined the time I was hiding with my friend on someone's ship by accidentially saying something in chat. That one time a Fort of the Damned was active but.. no one... was around... very suspicious. You get the idea, so memories, so much fun, and it was amazing while it lasted.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
