amazing puzzle design, every solution felt meaningful in some way
will always be impressed i actually completed this game

maybe i'd've enjoyed it more if it was an introduction to puzzle games but for me it was just a waste of time and money, play the main game instead if you can

the weakest of the currently released games in the series but still very enjoyable

speaking from experience, an excellent fighting game to enter the genre with

if you liked Hollow Knight you need to play this

stunning game with generally amazing puzzles, eventually i found some to be a bit too tedious to continue but will return to beat this genuinely great game eventually

while this game undoubtedly has flaws everything else is done so perfectly its still one of my favourite puzzle games of all time

fun to mess around in for like an hour with friends

a more polished version of Golf with Friends ft a much better and actually satisfying way to putt

while this game is perfectly fine on its own just play Golf It instead

satisfying as hell, gets insanely hard as you approach the later chapters but surely one day


challenging game that really tests you at one very specific ability