Fate is a work that asks yourself to think of a dream, something you want to achieve. An ideal.
Only when you understand your ideal (Fate); sees him confronted by its consequences (UBW); See him confronted by reality (HF), and still keep moving forward, you will see him fulfilled. Fate is about idealism, the ideal of happiness. And we see how it can hurt us and even destroy us, but despite that it is something truly beautiful and worth pursuing.

This is a very special work for me, as a fan of Type-moon and Nasuverse. This is the work that opened all the doors for the Type-moon and Fate series to be what it is today. Nasu's writing is so magical and unique that they don't give exactly what is needed for a good story; the discovery of a world we do not know. And in this strange world, we find ourselves. Within these characters and their conflicts we discover our own humanity. He didn't just create a world, he created an entire and unique universe, with stories so rich that they warm the heart, with concepts so human that they touch us, with ideas and questions that make us reflect for days. I love Fate and I love Nasu.

Reviewed on May 09, 2022
